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What is file system and advantage of DBMS over file system

  Definition of File system  &  it's advantage of DBMS over file system

What is file system?
Ans/- A file system is a database system that allows us access to single file at a time. In a file system data is directly stored in set of file. It contains flat file that have no relation to other file.

Advantage of DBMS over file system:-
      1)      Data redundancy: - Data redundancy refers to the duplication of data that means each data may have a single copy. A file system can’t control redundancy of data. In DBMS data redundancy removed by using of data normalization.

       2)  Data inconsistency: - Data redundancy leads to data inconsistency. In DBMS data redundancy is taken care by data normalization and data in consistency also been taken care of as part of it.

       3)    Data isolation: - In file system data stored are in various file and files may be different formats. So it is very difficult to retrieved appropriate data. But DBMS data stored in single file so retrieved appropriate data more easy.

        4)    Atomicity issue: - Atomicity of an instruction refers to all or nothing which means either all operation in a transaction executes or none. It is difficult to achieve atomicity in file system not in DBMS.

         5)   Data dependency: - In file system changing in data is depended on application program but DBMS changing in data independent.

         6) Easy recovery: - Since database system keeps the backup of data. It is easier to do a full recovery of data in case of a failure.

         7) Flexible: - Database system is more flexible than file processing system


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