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Definition of RISC and CISC ARCHITECTURE and their difference | Computer science fundamentals tutorial

RISC (Reduced Instruction set computer) AND CISC(Complex instruction set computer) ARCHITECTURE RISC(Reduced Instruction set computer): - Main idea behind is to make hardware simpler by using an instruction set composed of a few basic steps for loading, evaluating and storing operation just like load command will load data, store command will store data. Characteristic of RISC architecture:- 1. Simpler instructions, hence simple instruction decoding. 2. Instruction come under size of one word. 3. Instruction take single clock cycle to get executed. 4. More number of general purpose register. 5. Simple addressing mode. 6. Less data type. 7. Pipelining can be achieved. CISC(Complex instruction set computer): - Main idea is to make hardware complex as a single instruction will do all loading evaluating and storing operation just like a multiplication command will do stuff like loading data, evaluating and storing it. Characteristic of CISC architecture: -...
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 what is  internetworking and internet? we have heard about the internet everyone knows about internet nowadays  internet come from internet working  this a collection of packet switching and broadcast networks  That are connected together so this picture is from a text so it's kind of older text so is they have the US backbone and the European backbone they're supposed to be like Thailand somewhere there and also there is leased line to Asia this Trans-Atlantic line something Like that so then they’re connected to the regional network and the regional network also connected to the LAN  inside of also connected to the LAN.  so it's becoming like smaller and smaller so that time we still have the Token bus and Token Ring in use a lot and then we have also the Ethernet  LAN so you can see that there is a national network from the backbone go to national network and then go to the smaller network like LAN . so basically internetworking means ...

Important MCQ of RDBMS( Relational database management system)-FCST

Important MCQ of RDBMS  1. A RDBMS consists a collection of ? a. Tables b. Fields c. Records d. Keys  ANS/- a. table 2. The term attribute refers to a ___________ of a table a. Record b. Tuple c. Column d. Key   ans/- c. Column 3. In relational model, the row of table is known to be ?  a. Relation b. Entity field c. Tuple d. Attribute  ans/- C. Tuple 4. . Address field of a person should not be part of primary key, since it is likely to ? a. Dependent b. Too long c. Changed d. Not changed  ans/- c. Changed 5. The relational model is concerned with ? a. Data structure and Data integrity b. Data Manipulation c. Both a and b d. None of these  ans/- c. Both a and b 6. Which is the false statement from the following ? a. A veiw is a named derived table b. A name relation is variable c. A veiw is a named reation and is virtual d. None of these  ans/- d. None of these 7. The union of primary key...

What is Computer network?-FCST

 Intro of computer network and needs of OSI model A computer network is a collection of various computing devices. The purpose of computer networks is to enable the devices to share the data. Means, to connect the various devices - various heterogeneous and homogeneous devices. The main purpose of computer networks is to share the data. Now, in computer networks, we have one sender and one receiver. Sender is the one who is trying to send some data to the receiver. The sender and receiver can be a machine. The user sends the data through a machine. So we can say, the sender writes a program to send some data to the receiver. Now, how will the user send the data? It requires some kind of a connection. Connection can be a wired connection or a wireless connection. But first of all the user needs some connection. Through the connection, the packets or the data will move from the sender machine to the receiver machine. Now, the term over there is connection. Next is, the sender...

What is file system and advantage of DBMS over file system

  Definition of File system  &  it's advantage of DBMS over file system What is file system? Ans/- A file system is a database system that allows us access to single file at a time. In a file system data is directly stored in set of file. It contains flat file that have no relation to other file. Advantage of DBMS over file system :-       1)       Data redundancy : - Data redundancy refers to the duplication of data that means each data may have a single copy. A file system can’t control redundancy of data. In DBMS data redundancy removed by using of data normalization.        2)    Data inconsistency : - Data redundancy leads to data inconsistency. In DBMS data redundancy is taken care by data normalization and data in consistency also been taken care of as part of it.        3)     Data isolation : - In file system data stored are in various file and file...

C program to find factorial of number using function - FCST

C program to find factorial of number using function Problem description In this program take number as input & then it show the factorial of given number as output. Problem solution 1.take a number as input. 2.declare the void Fact(int) function globally if you want or declare the function prototype  into the main() function. 3.after taking input call the function into main() . 4.then define the function definition. 5.after taking function definition for loop started in this function definition. 6. In for loop i=1 & fact=1 then fact=1. after this loop is continue and incremented by1 until the n is grater than equal to i. continuity of loop is depend on what number take as input .  Program code: #include<stdio.h> void Fact(int);//function prototype declearation int i,fact=1;//global variable declearation int main()  { int n; printf("\n enter the  number:"); scanf("%d",&n); Fact(n);//function call } //func...

Short notes on database schema & database independence- computer science fundamentals tutorial

            Database Schema &  Data Independence PDF version of this post also available. to download the click the link given at the end of this post.           Database Schema : -  A database schema   is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire database. It defines how the data is organized and how relat ion among them are associated.  Database schema  formulates all the constrains that are to be applied on the data. A database schema defines its entities and the relationship among them. It contains descriptive details of the database which can be described by means of schema diagram. A database schema can be divided into two categories.   I.     Physical database schema : - this schema contain to the actual storage of data and its form of storage like files, indices etc. It defines how the data will be stored in a secondary storage. ...

Relation model concept and its advantage & disadvantage - Computer science fundamentals tutorial

    Relation model concept and it's advantage & disadvantage     PDF version of this post also available. to get the pdf click the link given at  the    end of this post.            1. What is relational model?     Ø Relation model represent database as a collection of relations. A relation is nothing but a table of values. Every row in the table represents a collection of related data values. This row in the table denotes a real world entity or relationship.       Relational model concept : -   · Attribute : - Each column in a table, Attributes is the properties which define a relation.  Example: - DNO, DNAME.   · Table : - In the relational model relations are saved in the table format. A table has two properties rows, column. Rows represent records and column represents attributes.   ·   Degree : - The total number of attribute which ...